Acupuncture Paia
Chinese Medicine on Maui's North Shore
Acupuncture and herbs play a very important role in successfully treating your health concerns. Below is a list of treatment options available. Within your appointment, lifestyle patterns such as diet, excercise, and stress management will also be addressed to help improve your quality of lfe.

Acupuncture - 1 hr
Initial Visit & Intake: $100
Follow up Treatment: $85
Acupuncture treatments include moxibustion, cupping, guasha, electro-acupuncture therapy, herbal recommedations, and tuina massage as needed.

Pediatric Appointment
Initial Visit & Intake: $85
Follow up Treatments: $70
People of ALL ages can benefit from Chinese medicine! Children are very responsive to acupuncture, massage, and non-needling therapies. Kid-friendly herbal remedies are also available.

Shiatsu Acupressure Massage - 1 hr
Zen Shiatsu massage is traditionally performed on a futon mat on the floor. This highly relaxing and restorative bodywork brings the recipient into balance as the meridians in the body are stimulated by the use of acupuressure.

Herbal Appointment - 30 min
In some cases, acupuncture is not necessary. This appointment is designed for those who will get more benefit from solely taking Chinese herbs. An herbal formula will be prescribed that is tailored for your specific condition and health goals. The cost of herbs is an additional fee.

Facial Cupping Therapy
90 min - $100
60 min - $75
This is a relaxing and rejuvenating therapy that can be used to treat facial collagen, fine lines, wrinkles, and uneven pigmentation. Facial cupping is also effective for chronic sinus conditions, allergies, headaches, stress and TMJ.

Couples - 1 hr
Initial: $200
Follow up: $170
This appointment enables two people to be treated together in the same room. The treatment can be for couples, friends, and even family members. Here we work on individual goals, as well as goals that may be a focus within the relationship.